Project: A single color logo with a modern look and feel was needed for a design studio. It needed to be versatile, scalable and simple, as it was to be used for print and online marketing of various shapes and sizes.
Role: Graphic Artist / Art Director
Tools Used: Adobe Creative Cloud: Illustrator, Dimension, TypeKit, MacBook Pro, iPad Pro, Apple Pencil
Description: The original version of the logo included a compass, which suits the name of the studio so this concept was central to the redesign. A printer's registration mark was included in the center, implying being "right on the mark". Several fonts were employed in the discovery, and a bold curvy font was chosen for the design. Initial versions spelled out the name of the company, but it seemed verbose when the compass could represent most of the verbiage just with its cardinal directions, "W" and "E".
Result: The logo was very well received by a feedback group of my professional peers, who had concurred with me that keeping it simple was the best way to approach this project. I designed business cards with the logo featured on one side in holographic raised foil on a black velvety card stock.
Gallery of Progress

Original logo from 2008

One of the first versions of the 2018 redesign, using a custom font I designed for "west east" but I felt it looked too casual

A more simplified approach, using the the cardinal points to replace "west" and "east"

I created a simple compass to pull the design together, but the W and E seemed out of place in relation to where they would be on the compass

The final version in black on white

The final version of the logo in black on 3D surfaces

The business cards I designed showcase the final version of the logo, featured with a raised metallic holographic treatment on a black velvety card stock.